Inspired by the comments on this Ars article, I’ve decided to program my website to “poison the well” when it gets a request from GPTBot.

The intuitive approach is just to generate some HTML like this:

// Twenty pages of random words

(I also considered just hardcoding twenty megabytes of “FUCK YOU,” but that’s a little juvenile for my taste.)

Unfortunately, I’m not very familiar with ML beyond a few basic concepts, so I’m unsure if this would get me the most bang for my buck.

What do you smarter people on Lemmy think?

(I’m aware this won’t do much, but I’m petty.)

    1111 months ago

    show the 20 pages of random words to your users, right?

    any dev worth it’s salt is going to check the agent string for GPTBot.

    That said, it’s a perfect receipe for getting companies to spoof browsers.

      411 months ago

      Yeah, and even if OpenAI uses user agents that identify that bot as GPTBot, there’s no guarantee other scrapers will be so kind.