It’s just another reminder what a greasy company Razer is. They should be avoided because their products are mostly crap, sold at high prices. I remember taking apart my Deathadder about 8 years ago after the left-click went on the fritz, and it was the crappiest, low-quality PCB I’ve ever seen in a product. I never bought Razer again after that.
Edit: To elaborate, they could have spent like 5 extra cents to get a nicer PCB, but they didn’t. The mouse was really nice on the outside, but they cut every expense on the inside.
Their keyboards are a great example, they’re often worse build quality with far less noise damping than one that’s half the price from some random keyboard company.
Hey, the mouse I’m using right now is actually a Razer Deathadder V2 (wired). I’ve had it since just before 2020 and the left click started playing up about mid 2024. Is that a longer then normal lifespan for them? The mouse basically constantly thinks I’m double-clicking when I’m single-clicking, which gets really annoying.
That is a below average lift span for a mouse’s microswitch. If you know how to solder you can probably replace the micro switch though. I know switch oddities sells loose mouse switches and I’m sure plenty of other places do too.
I actually liked the DeathAdder and have had almost 3 of them. I just mainly meant to knock their build quality.
But that said, the lifespan of all mice is kinda bullshit. I haven’t had single mouse last more than a year in almost a decade. Either the left click starts getting glitchy or the mousewheel’s encoder starts to go. I’ve used Logitech, Razer, Microsoft, Xtrfy. My Xtrfy M42 wireless’s left click is starting to get inconsistent now (holding LMB will randomly release, and the microswitch is bouncing on click).
I’ve even tried random ones like Acer. I liked it, but it died and they replaced it, which was cool, but it died again in the same way. I think it was battery related
Now I’m on a BenQ mouse since they seem to be used a lot in e-sports
If you own a soldering iron or are willing to buy one and learn how to use it, a new set of mouse switches is like <$10 and it takes a few mins to replace them. Not something you should have to do after only 4 years though. If you get a mouse with optical switches this issue will never happen.
I tried to repair my DeathAdder but I had the soldering iron too hot and I destroyed the contact pad under the microswitch. 💀 I tried to take some solder mask off the trace and bodge it but I made such a mess that I just gave up on it. With better desoldering technique, it would have been straightforward. Lesson learned!
Desoldering is definitely the hard part and I’m not experienced enough to tell you exactly how to do it, but what helped me was adding a tiny bit of leaded solder to loosen up the existing solder on the mouse. That made it way easier to wick up.
Thanks, I appreciate the tip! I will give that a try next time (maybe I’ll do this Xtrfy mouse soon). I also got solder braid and a flux pen to help too, in addition to the solder sucker I was using before.
The sad reality is that that’s going to happen to any mouse eventually. I sadly had to retire my favorite mouse ever (G600) after years of service because of this inevitability. As a bandaid you can get a program/autohotkey script that ignores double clicks that are too fast to be human.
The razer stuff I’ve owned has been infinitely better than anything from logitech I’ve had. That isn’t a defense of razer as much as its a stronger indictment of logitech.
Meanwhile ive had my death adder chroma for over 13 years
How many miles do you have on it though? I see these kind of comments all the time on Reddit, and there’s a big difference in how many hours per day people use their hardware for, and how much typing/clicking people actually do.
A metric fuckton of hours. Im a gamer. So not just a metric fuckton, an aggressive and abusive metric fuckton of hours on that mouse
Chump change.
deleted by creator
7k people bought that stupid thing!?
Cost of doing business
Replace every fine with executive jail time.
Watch the world change.
Sure, masturbate to the thought. It’ll never happen. Ever.
Guess I’ll get the BBQ fired up then… What do y’all think about LARPing the French revolution?
Honestly it would have to be something this extreme because our current system is never going to give more than a slap to the wrist to the rich.
Yep, could argue that the system is broken, but it’s more accurate to say the system is functioning as designed, we’re just not who the system is designed to support.
Certainly it won’t happen with your attitude!