On Saturday, the ISO C++ committee completed the second-last design meeting of C++26, held in Hagenberg, Austria. There is just one meeting left before the C++26 feature set is finalized in June 2025 and draft C++26 is sent out for its international comment ballot (aka “Committee Draft” or “CD”), and C++26 is on track to be technically finalized two more meetings after that in early 2026.
Hardened standard library is going to make the times when I am forced to use C++ a lot more pleasant. Does anyone know how you will enable it? I think it’s pretty much guaranteed that they’re not going to take the sensible route of making it opt-out, and if it’s too difficult to enable nobody is going to bother.
see https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p3471r2.html#enabling-hardening
Much like a freestanding implementation, the way to request a hardened implementation is left for the implementation to define. For example, similarly to -ffreestanding, we expect that most toolchains would provide a compiler flag like -fhardened, but other alternatives like a -D_LIBCPP_HARDENING_MODE=<mode> macro would also be conforming.
Well let’s hope they don’t all choose different options…
One of the reasons they got through with it is that the big three already has it, so I guess… Update and read the documentation of your compiler of choice?