The oligarchs won’t benefit from a fairer voting system and until they will benefit from one i doubt we will see meaningful change. We’ve had leader in office for a decade who promised electoral reform and 0 progress has been made towards that promise.
Others have recomended a political party form strictly to win, implement electoral reform, then break up and call an election. That may be our best chance as current status quo parties obviously don’t care.
- At the very least, we must only vote for candidates that support proportional representation. Only the Greens/NDP consistently do that.
- We need to keep growing the ! movement. We do have evidence that the political establishment is catering to the fair vote movement, we just need to keep that up.
In the long run, the only viable solution is proportional representation: !
For anyone who has more knowledge of politics, is there a big difference between the liberal and NDP parties? I wonder why they don’t merge?
The Liberals are closer to the Conservatives than they are to the NDP.
For example, Greens/NDP consistently support proportional representation. Liberals and Conservatives play games to delay and distract.
And because that would be a disaster for Canadian democracy: Watching Canada’s decline into a Two-Party System: an r/Ontario post with +1.7k upvotes “Is it time for a Liberal-NDP merger after Doug Ford’s Tories win third straight majority in Ontario election?”.
With Duverger’s Law (i.e., in non-PR electoral systems, a trend towards a two-parties), we are running out of time to act. Canada’s 2021 effective number of parties is 2.76 - this number will decrease over time, and will eventually end Canadian democracy as we know it today.
The only way to prevent this democratic backsliding is proportional representation: !