So, what are you guys watching tonight?

  • haverholm@kbin.earthOP
    3 days ago

    We wound up watching “Rose”, “Dalek”, “Bad wolf” and “The parting of the ways” (would have taken “The long game” as well but we watched it this weekend). It’s not a bad one-night speed run through the show’s first (modern) year!

    I’m amazed how well the early episodes have aged, all things considered. Sure, the effects are occasionally dodgy by current standards, but — bearing in mind that we skipped the farting Slitheen this time — actually not terrible.

    And although some of the writing tics have become a bit too familiar by now, there was still some substance to the finale double whammy in '05.

    I was never a big fan of Rose Tyler, but in most of these episodes she holds her own fairly well. Billie Piper fares even better, considering this was her first acting job(?). Eccleston is …fantastic. Love how he balances big comedy acting with subtle character bits. I’ll welcome him back any day.

    • haverholm@kbin.earthOP
      3 days ago

      “…the Doctor taught Rose to run”? No wait, that doesn’t rhyme. Let me workshop this a little.