- Archived link since Western Standard is an extreme right-wing tabloid created by a rebel news co-founder.
- Take this website with a bucket of salt and treat it as a portal into the extreme right’s intentions.
- This is why Canadians must stay united and avoid antagonising Albertans. Most Albertans do not want this. We must avoid the USA divide and conquer strategy.
- There are so many barriers to separation that make it highly unlikely.
They’re going to be very very surprised if they do manage to get a referendum held at just how small and insignificant they’re “movement” is.
They think because they’re loud, that they’re popular. It’s the same conservative “silent majority” talking point; they’re loved…it’s just people are afraid to speak up. No, dumbshits…you’re just unpopular, plain and simple.
Texas joined the US later and has a provision that they can vote themselves out of the United States again if they choose.
This is wrong. See https://www.texastribune.org/2021/01/29/texas-secession/
So if Alberta voters are hoping for the same provision, that they can back out if things go south (pun not intended), that’s very wrong.
Don’t be fooled.
Yeah. Not even Texans buy that crap. The only way out of the US for any state is through an ocean of blood.
If they do join the US and later on need to back out that would leave Alberta alone. I wouldn’t want them back in confederation.
Traitors gonna traitor.
Those cowboy hats look ridiculous with a suit on.