It’s a meta joke my man, try to lighten up a little
It’s a meta joke my man, try to lighten up a little
Huh. My dad’s credit card statement shows he spends a lot of money there. I’ll have to figure out where he’s hiding the dysons
Redfall was trash, checks out
Additional advice from a cybersecurity professional that’s good for you and anyone else reading: under no circumstances should you use SMS 2FA if there’s another option.
Yes, having another app sucks (google/Microsoft have pretty universal apps if they’re supported) but it’s trivially easy for an even slightly well funded and motivated attacker to redirect your texts/phone calls so it’s well worth the pain.
Hope this helps!
At least we’d be a state unlike poor Puerto Rico
And damn if we aren’t ready to be great authors of the next Geneva convention update
*turns to look at Alabama expectantly*
Tempted to pick this up and then a friend tells me he doesn’t think we’ll play it enough. Like, whaaaa?
Spy came in from the cold, it feels so odd to see his face after so many years of maining him. He was my first Merc. Damn I’m a bit sentimental now…
Happy to help, as an agnostic this kind of knowledge is a nice silver lining to a religious upbringing :P
Lot’s wife, from the Christian Bible, was turned into salt when she looked back on sodom and gamorrah as the Christian god destroyed them. Cows love salt licks.
It took me till I was 24 to go to college. Now I’m set with a great government job and I just have to hold the line until I can buy a house. I work to live not live to work. What am I doing with my life? Spending it caring about the people I care about.
For anyone who resonates with this comic remember two things: it’s never too late and your job won’t define your value.
We really gotta make neon a thing again
I thought I was getting the idea until your example. Now I’m just going to nod and say thank you for explaining enough that I get the joke :)
Stupid person here, anyone mind explaining the joke?
Also Canadian but white: Sorry man, it never should have come to this in the first place. I hope yours isn’t so bad.