And half the country cheers them on
And half the country cheers them on
That’s the guy who picked up the exxxxtra spicy graphite
Toe the line or walk the plank. Totally normal, right?
They don’t need to use spies in America anymore. Just come on over to the WH, they’ll have some tea and cookies ready for you, comrades
This one singular meme will make them hate NASCAR
Blood sucking irritating fuck that chases you wherever you go
Hobbitses asquerosos
Please wait...
I fucking hate the internet
Cool story bro, go argue with the IETF
The good thing is, your cooler is likely full of ice, when it severs your appendages. At that point, assuming you have enough fingers left to grip a steering wheel, you can just drive yourself and your well preserved digits to the local hospital. You can even have an ice cold beer while you drive!
EDIT: OP fixed the title but this post used to be about Navel airships
Wow, that guy’s loaded
We’ve finally lost the cold war.