Personal preferences are totally valid but Pepsi does not put Aspartame in all their drinks. Here’s Pepsi’s ingredients:
RFK looks like a prolapsed anus.
The Dennis System for Aging
Exactly. Fascism was here but all the billionaires are putting out their flags now.
The Peter Principle in practice. A Quibi exec is taking over for him, I shit you not.
From The Verge article about it:
What a literal piece of shit.
And that minority gets an outsized place at the media table due to billionaire oligarchs who want total control.
Actuay a great summation in another post around the same time:
Alcoholism is a serious thing, don’t go flagrantly casting aspersions in ignorance. Enjoyment and passion for something doesn’t necessarily equate to addiction. I have a drink like once a month. It is wrong to conflate my pictures with the disease and folks that have it. Thats ad hominem for me and them. Seriously touch grass my friend. ✌️
Follow the advice of your handle.
Um, what. Change that behavior before it changes you.
I use RadioDriod on FDroid. It does the job.
Billionaires having their own power plants sounds sane and normal.
Absolute proof of senility.
Really have to hand it to Nintendo. They give no fucks.
*this statement is a joke and fuck their litigation strategies. Impoverishing people by garnishing wages for life is a heinous overreach.
Peak Nintendo yesterday as rumors about the next gen handheld hit an apex they announced, I shit you not, a Lego Gameboy.
Thanks for the clarification. ✌️ I’m the dolt.
Didn’t the deal close in 2022?