Inhuman communist savages the lot of them!
Inhuman communist savages the lot of them!
I was talking to my SO about it recently and we both kinda agreed you’d probably have to update the core gameplay so it would be a little more interesting/engaging but overall B&W was fun. Hell, even Spore redone properly (aka not by fucking EA) I would love too. That one always makes me sad to think about, and we’ve not really had anything like it since.
I’m here once again to humbly submit the suggestions of Dungeon Keeper and Black and White. That is all.
Because they are afraid of the true power their superior flavour holds. It does last a really long time though, idk what people are on about.
It’s largely a non-issue in the Nordic countries as you basically have to voluntarily opt out of any government aid programs to be homeless, which understandably most don’t. This goes for most, if not all, vulnerable groups; most of the help is decently robust, at least enough to keep you fed and in housing. So I don’t think it’s a very large portion of the consideration, almost everything is paid via mobile pay, checks (any, not just from working) are all done digitally as well.
You forgot LOTR and German memes!!!
If I’m remembering correctly there is an age (younger) where we are more receptive to patterns in regards to LA, but we don’t differentiate the language received. “All” input in this stage is valid input that kid brain associates meaning to, which slowly gets weeded out (lost) if you don’t use it into adulthood. However, we are all generally speaking, on an even playing field developmentally as we age after that point in regards to learning a new language. Adults just tend to have less free time to devote to learning a new language as a young adult, etc.
I didn’t know there was an Etsy alternative yet!
Honestly games that don’t let you turn off eating/misc noises like that just aren’t worth the money.
Because they lived on a massive lake/the rest was arid shitty desert and needed to create space for agriculture iirc.
It’s lede just for whatever it’s worth.
Well if trying to get the ring off doesn’t send you to the hospital, that probably will.
I feel both ways I think. Video walkthroughs are awesome when they’re put together well, I also think written guides with good visuals are also awesome too. But because basically all the video guides suffer from YTs shitty algorithms, it forces the stupid “WoAeW U wonNt BeliVe ThiS?!?!” title bullshit and floods out better guides trying to “get in on” a trend in a game, etc. It’s a mixed bag like everything else in life, but fuck it is just super frustrating sifting through 4-7m videos of something that could have just been written down.
I’ve caught myself thinking this a lot, game guides, reviews, everything was so much easier digging around in when it was written. Now we have to sit and fuck around with timestamps and waste time instead of just ctrl + f what I need.
I have an older GPU (rx 470) and I play games that probably aren’t super new so my main concerns were mainly my tech literacy and fear of fucking something up xD
What was your experience switching over to Linux and getting it set up for gaming?
“cunt” and “cunting” for more colourful replacements?
loud honky bois
What the fuck is going on here
Problem is you can’t escape what’s been set in motion, only delay it. It’s creeping in everywhere, corrupting it all. Sooner or later we will have to face it collectively and it’s not going to be pretty.