Not a great look for Microsoft

    10 months ago

    Why is this kind of sentiment the norm? Someone makes a miss, they should exit out of the market entirely? It makes no sense. If they mess up, they need to re-evaluate their strategies and come back stronger. The people who win in the end are the consumers.

    The competition Vs Playstation alone is worth staying in the game. Forcing playstation to develop consoles and actually fight for sales each generation. sure, they’re winning handily, but it only requires a sleeper hit to turn the tides. Starfield is already selling a bunch of Xbox consoles and gamepass subs.

    I can imagine in the future, TESVI, Oblivion remake etc will continue to push sales. If Microsoft did get exclusivity for Baldurs Gate, we’d be looking at a very successful period for Microsoft. Once the stars align, they’ll make a killing.

    I’ll die on this hill every time: the Xbox One (the original pitch, with Kinect and steaming, voice commands etc) was over a decade ahead of its time. If they’d pitched the same pitch in 2023 it would have made sense. I don’t think PlayStation should sit too comfortably!

      10 months ago

      It’s pretty sad that your argument is that Microsoft would be winning if they got exclusive rights to Baldur’s Gate and shut everyone else out.

      When this happens- EVERYONE loses.

      And for the record, my sentiment is the norm because it adheres to reality. Get your head out of your ass an pay attention to how Microsoft it fucking things up for everyone AND themselves.

        510 months ago

        Am I having a complete reading comprehension failure? “Microsoft would be winning if they got exclusive rights to Baldur’s Gate” isn’t in the comment you replied to at all.

          310 months ago

          They said:

          If Microsoft did get exclusivity gotBaldurs Gate, we’d be looking at a very successful period for Microsoft. Once the stars align, they’ll make a killing.

            310 months ago

            Oh right, I skimmed over that, but it seems like an aside to their main argument that there needs to be at least one major competitor to Sony in order to prevent a monopoly.

              10 months ago

              Competition is fine- but let the tides raise or lower all ships. Exclusivity is bullshit. And they know it.

        210 months ago

        Firstly, my entire argument does not hinge on that one point. I’m simply commenting on Microsoft misjudging that potential value of Baldurs Gate and not making it an exclusive. If they judged it better, they’d be in a much better position financially and competitively.

        Second, Playstation absolutely relies on exclusivity in order to keep their console competitive. Whenever there’s discussion about making games exclusive to XBox, people throw a fit, but it somehow doesn’t apply to PlayStation?

        Get your head out of your ass an pay attention to how Microsoft it fucking things up for everyone AND themselves.

        Despite the fact that you’re a child and unable to converse without resorting to insults, I’ll bite. Microsoft is a business. They’re losing the console war every generation, and the reason is exclusive games. They’re doing something about it.

        With titles like Bloodborne, Horizon, God of War, ratchet and clank, the last of us, Uncharted, shadow of the Colossus, Persona 5, Spiderman etc. Whether they’re timed exclusives or not, they are console sellers for PlayStation. I can’t think off the top of my head, any exclusives for Microsoft besides Gears of War back in the day that I cared about. They messed up Halo infinite, Forza is meh, and everything else is also old. They need exclusives to balance the board and to stay competitive.

        Microsoft also offers all their ‘exclusives’ on PC and GamePass, so even though they’re exclusive, they’re still far more available than PlayStation games, which typically come out on PC a few days after, and sometimes as Terrible ports.