I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this.

  • ryan
    9 months ago

    I said this years ago and I’ll say it again - if Apple puts out some laptop shell that an iPhone can slot into which has its keyboard, touchscreen monitor, and extended battery etc and basically acts as a Chromebook-esque note taking and internet browsing device, I can imagine they’d take over high schools and colleges.

    (I do specifically say touchscreen monitor because many kids are growing up never having used a mouse or trackpad. They won’t have used keyboards either but that’s a more essential/less replaceable skill for the workplace in the future.)

    Edit: Yes, I know this is an Android subreddit, but it’s iPhones that the kids in the US have and that’s what immediately struck me reading this - a way to eat Chromebook’s lunch.

    • Dudewitbow
      39 months ago

      Imo the only reason why it hasnt happened yet is because it would devalue ipad pros.

      • ryan
        39 months ago

        Oh, very true. I was thinking the same thing re: Androids and Chromebooks, but I forgot about the iPad market. Oh well, guess we’re stuck with at least 2 different portable computer products at all times. Anything else would be of just too much benefit to the consumer.