Seeing that they need quite a lot of clean water, which is not widely available everywhere during the entire year in big amounts, especially with these droughts due to climate change.

    148 months ago

    I wouldn’t worry too much about water availability for cooling (even though it’s an issue). I see a bigger “political” issue

    A safe nuclear industry requires at laest the two following stuff

    • A solid academic and industrial tradition, able to train skilled engineer and technician, but also researcher to prepare the future.

    • A government strong enough to deal with the NIMBY, but weak enough to have an independent nuclear safety agency able to perform audits without caring about political pressure.

    This works in a country like France, may still work in a country like Germany or US (even though NIMBY have more power there) but many country especially in the * third world* don’t have either trained “nuclear scientists” or a government able to guarantee nuclear safety

      58 months ago

      We can deal with NIMBY in certain situations, we (US) do have eminent domain laws where the govt is legally allowed to take your stuff, write you a check for an amount that should cover it, and wave you on your way.

      We use it to build highways and stuff.

      Nuclear is much harder, admittedly.