I mean, really.

It’s like some people don’t even know Atomic Swaps exist.

  • @tusker@monero.town
    45 months ago

    A great example of “government regulation” being completely useless at protecting individuals.

    Only a true free market with intelligent, informed, and armed individuals can regulate shady clowns.

      • @mister_monster@monero.town
        45 months ago

        We already live in a world of feudal lords, they just abstract and overcomplicate the “feudal” part so that you have a harder time seeing it. At least an armed people can resist abuse, no matter the hierarchy they live in. And no matter the hierarchy they live in, they will be abused if they make themselves helpless.

      • @tusker@monero.town
        5 months ago

        I will take feudal lords instead of the slave system we have today.

        Feudalism was less oppressive than what we have today


        "if the lord needed military service or financial aid beyond

        what was specifically owed by his vassals, his only recourse

        was to ask them for a voluntary grant. He had no right to tax

        or assess them arbitrarily, for his authority in such matters was

        determined by feudal contract."

        • @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
          -25 months ago

          That’s an oxymoron. The feudal lords would just be a different type of slave system… but at least they’re your lords, huh?

          • @tusker@monero.town
            65 months ago

            “Just be happy with your chains or someone else will put heavier ones on you”

            Unlike you, I am not a coward. If I see injustice, as with today’s slave system, I will do something about it regardless of your fear propaganda.

            • @VolunTerry@monero.town
              35 months ago

              “Just be happy with your chains or someone else will put heavier ones on you”

              Great quote. Emotional fear porn is how so much is justified and sold to people. Fear is an incredibly strong motivator. Nothing new is achieved and no progress is made by cowering in the chains you find yourself in and thinking it’s too risky to try to break free, lest your jailor punish you, or you find a new jailor down the road.

              When did my brothers and sisters spirits become so broken that they lack any will to fight in even the most meager ways for their own liberty?

          • @VolunTerry@monero.town
            45 months ago

            Better to have no lords at all and to govern oneself.

            But if there must be self-proclaimed lords and masters, then better to have them be known and near and less empowered by large state sized apparatus, so there is hope to change them, hold them accountable or challenge them directly, rather than so many layers of beuracracy and thugs doing their bidding by proxy that the mountain looks unsurmountable to the individual.

            • @tusker@monero.town
              5 months ago

              Well said, the system has arranged itself with a multitude of layers with the untouchable pigs sitting on top.

              These commie cucks from lemmy.world are total slave minded clowns.