The Russians have a new EW system for individual protection - the bucket.

It was the bucket that one of the Katsaps put on his head when the Ronin launched your drone at them🔪 It didn’t help.

UPD: they write that it is not a bucket. And part of the washing machine😂

    181 month ago

    Fuck commenters saying this is cruel. Fuck these buffoons.

    Bomb your CO. Don’t support fascism or we’ll laugh at your death.

        61 month ago

        From that perspective, the fascists (Putin & co) have agency and the ability to decide their actions (attack another country), but the conscripts don’t, they’re passively „being thrown“. I strongly disagree with that point of view.

        These conscripts at least partially decide to throw themselves into a meatgrinder, hoping for glory and money at the expense of the Ukrainian people. Fuck them.

      • downpunxx
        41 month ago

        “conscripts” are still people with the power to choose what they will and what they will not do, if you choose to engage in a war of genocide for vladimir putin, pick up a gun, and shoot ukrainians protecting their out country, you’re fucking foreit as a going concern in my book. you don’t get to use the “well, they made me” excuse, you always have the choice in what you are willing to do, and what you are not

          • downpunxx
            41 month ago

            still a choice to get shot or shoot other people, there is always a fucking choice, always

            21 month ago

            That’s unfortunate but you’re not forcing me to kill anyone I don’t understand how you could force anyone to.

            It is a choice fuck em hope grenades blow all the teeth out of their skull and their hands are blown off.