I’m still able to on Relay. The dev announced he has to move to a subscription model but its still free for the time being and seems to work fine still.
I am Relay too and just checked. All NSFW posts are now gone. A “Go to Reddit to view mature content” post is all that returns.
Gaddamit reddit. I really hope they burn and they end up in business text books in the future to teach future CEOs how not to run a company.
I’m still able to on Relay. The dev announced he has to move to a subscription model but its still free for the time being and seems to work fine still.
I am Relay too and just checked. All NSFW posts are now gone. A “Go to Reddit to view mature content” post is all that returns. Gaddamit reddit. I really hope they burn and they end up in business text books in the future to teach future CEOs how not to run a company.