So I work as a sysadmin and we stopped using Nutanix a couple months back. We had 6 nodes. Each loaded with an nVidia M10 GPU.

Initially we were trying to resell them to the company we got them from, but after months of them being on the shelf, boss said if you want the hardware minus the disks, be my guest.

I like recycling enterprise stuff instead of blindly sending it to the dumpster, even if it’s just to make a couple bucks on the side selling ram, cpus or in this case GPUs on the 2nd hand market.

Been doing a couple google searches but seems like these M10s aren’t really that great and seems like you need special drivers nVidia isn’t keen to share.

Anyone doing anything cool at home with these enterprise grade GPUs?

  • Masterofironfist@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    They are great to try vGPU stuff on ESXi (even modern 8) because on ESXi you need officially supported tesla card for that because you can’t do stuff like vgpu_unlock. And that nvidia tesla M10 is still officially supported so you have unique chance to try stuff out without spending single USD.