Lemmy & KBin & Mastodon & Misskey & Calckey & others all use the ActivityPub protocol to deliver posts to your inbox no matter which account / software created the post in the first place.
How the posts are interpreted changes a bit depending on what software was used to create and display your inbox.
This is very much like how email works in Outlook & Gmail, but how the labels or tagging changes depending on which you use.
Lemmy & KBin & Mastodon & Misskey & Calckey & others all use the ActivityPub protocol to deliver posts to your inbox no matter which account / software created the post in the first place.
How the posts are interpreted changes a bit depending on what software was used to create and display your inbox.
This is very much like how email works in Outlook & Gmail, but how the labels or tagging changes depending on which you use.
Try this video: