With black Friday sales coming up, I’m hoping to start building a NAS for my home. I have the server and stuff, but wondering which drives to get for storage.

From everything I’ve looked at, seems like Seagate Ironwolf and WD Red seem to be highly recommended. I’m leaning towards the Ironwolf 8TB drives right now. These are retailing for $160+tax right now, which I feel is a pretty good price to get these

However, I’m wondering if any of you experienced folks have any other suggestions for me.


  • Geek_Verve@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Redundancy and accessibility were my driving factors. I rip all my DVDs and Blu-Rays to my movie library and share them out to friends and family.

    I’ve been using an array of WD Red 4TB drives for a few years, now. No complaints.