From the article:

"I know for a fact that Wikipedia operates under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license, which explicitly states that if you’re going to use the data, you must give attribution. As far as search engines go, they can get away with it because linking back to a Wikipedia article on the same page as the search results is considered attribution.

But in the case of Brave, not only are they disregarding the license - they’re also charging money for the data and then giving third parties “rights” to that data."

    2 years ago
    • On Android, Firefox lacks per-site process isolation, which makes it less secure than Chromium browsers (not insecure, just less secure.)
    • With privacy.resistFingerprinting on, Firefox on Android is stuck at 60hz, which I don’t like.
    • There is a noticeable difference in performance between Firefox and Chromium. Firefox is consistently slower when loading webpages, which you notice after using Chromium.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like Firefox. I use LibreWolf on desktop. I just can’t justify using it on Android, at least not yet. Guess I’ll go back to using Vanadium.