The more control I have, the more likely I am to wake up, which is pretty annoying. Although, on the flip side, waking up through choice to avoid bad dreams is how I originally developed the skill of lucid dreaming. Noticing the signs of waking up and choosing to stay asleep is kind of a weird thing to do too, but it can lead to sleep paralysis.
However in any case, the level of control I have varies. Often, I am able to fly from danger or decide something didn’t happen and try again. More rarely I know there are no consequences to any of my actions and can completely control space, time and narrative. It’s odd knowing it’s a dream, but it still feels real. Though, still with a dream brain memory and dream logic, I’m not necessarily thinking as sensibly as I would do when awake.
This is how I use control with lucid dreaming. If something is taking a wrong turn I just say “No” and either remove the bad part or rewind on something that doesn’t make sense. I don’t really want to actively control the dream because I want to know what my subconscious is trying to tell me.
The more control I have, the more likely I am to wake up, which is pretty annoying. Although, on the flip side, waking up through choice to avoid bad dreams is how I originally developed the skill of lucid dreaming. Noticing the signs of waking up and choosing to stay asleep is kind of a weird thing to do too, but it can lead to sleep paralysis.
However in any case, the level of control I have varies. Often, I am able to fly from danger or decide something didn’t happen and try again. More rarely I know there are no consequences to any of my actions and can completely control space, time and narrative. It’s odd knowing it’s a dream, but it still feels real. Though, still with a dream brain memory and dream logic, I’m not necessarily thinking as sensibly as I would do when awake.
Whoa, whoa, careful what things you’re saying here. This could make me, at least, worry about going back to sleep
This is how I use control with lucid dreaming. If something is taking a wrong turn I just say “No” and either remove the bad part or rewind on something that doesn’t make sense. I don’t really want to actively control the dream because I want to know what my subconscious is trying to tell me.