Merry Trek-mas to you all! Thanks so much for all of your help, participation, and creative contributions. Let’s do this again next year! Comment some new categories or any formatting suggestions for Trek-mas 2024.
1 ummthatguy - “An O’Brien in agony”
2 negativenull - “Two ejected warp cores”
3 The Picard Maneuver - “Three French Captains”
4 negativenull - “Four phasers phasing”
5 negativenull - “Five latinum bars”
6 ummthatguy - “Six Vulcan Mind-melds”
7 teft - “Seven Jeffrey Combs”
8 negativenull - “Eight Janeway coffees”
9 negativenull - “Nine redshirts dying”
10 ummthatguy- “Ten humanoid aliens”
11 ummthatguy- “Eleven Rikers Riking”
12 teft - “Twelve cloaking warbirds”
May O’Brien suffer for us all into the new year!
Wow that is the perfect O’Brien on agony to end on. Wow.
It was tough not to use it earlier knowing the impact it would have.
I salute your restraint. It paid off.