So just finally got on nostr today ( +

curious for those who have been using it a little more / know more about it, if you could clue me in on a couple things?

  1. When I was on the EH nostrchat … room? I was seeing what looked like UTC timestamps. Is there any built-in way to have it print local timezone instead? Didn’t see anything under settings but could be missing something. Or need to throw together a user script?

  2. Both nostrchat and iris had the npub/nsec pub/priv keys. iris also printed the private/public keys in hex format. Where would I use the hex format vs the other format? Or is it not really all that useful?

  3. nostrchat kind of reminds me of discord/irc in that it doesn’t really seem to have subs so much as a channel or room and it doesn’t seem to have you following people. and iris kind reminds me of maybe twitter/mastodon in how they are organized to follow people and have hashtags but dont seems to have subs or rooms. Does the behind-the-scenes concept/structure support other layouts too like reddit/lemmy subs/communities whatever? So that you could group a bunch of various threads under a general category? Update: I think it is a per-community thing but seems like it might support reddit style communties - both and seem to have a communities concept

  4. I saw I can either post links to pics or use the built-in giphy thing. If I wanted to drop a meme pic somewhere, am i correct that i would need to use some kind of external hosting like catbox or similar and then paste the link or is there a better way?

  5. when I was searching I couldn’t find any nostr relays that are on TOR. Anybody know if those exist yet?

I am still trying to read up on my own but so far most of what I am finding either is super technical and I need to spend a lot of time to absord or is extremely shallow and doesn’t have enough detail