On my last visit to Japan, I brought home a cheap pair of reusable plastic chopsticks. The hard case they came with lets me toss them into my bag without worrying about them breaking, and usually I wrap a handkerchief or cloth napkin around the case.
I use these chopsticks more often than I would have expected. I used to be a fork person, but I’ve converted – once I got used to using them, chopsticks turned out to work better for the things I’d otherwise eat with a fork. Today I ate some salad on the plane that I brought with me to the airport, instead of spending $8 on wilted lettuce.
If you need a utensil, here are some options which I don’t own but which seem nice (referral links):
- Plastic chopsticks – $8
- Titanium spork – $15 I have something like this for camping, but the Light My Fire-brand spork seems way expensive these days.
I had an earlier version of this https://www.amazon.com/Snow-Peak-Carry-On-Chopsticks-Large/dp/B001VGUZ8O/ref=sr_1_9?crid=27D6HWNEPJYL&keywords=travel+chopsticks&qid=1692847342&s=home-garden&sprefix=travel+chopsticks%2Cgarden%2C75&sr=1-9
theyre nice because the wood tips can be unscrewed and put into the handle to reduce the size.