Kitbashed a Primaris Vulkan He’stan and a Lieutenant from the Company Heroes set. I got some custom helmets from Liber Daemonica which look really good. They came from Poland (I think) and took about a month to ship just FYI.

Vulkan is kind of a must have for a Salamanders army but his official kit is fucking terrible looking and is also made of resin. According to what I found the best ways to make a Primaris version is using Adrax Agatone or the Comany Heroes captain.

Crossing my fingers he doesn’t get an official Primaris kit anytime soon lol.


  • Company Heroes captain body.
  • Flamer Pistol with handle and fuel tank cut off attached to the bottom of the captain’s power fist.
    • This is kind of janky when you look at if from a certain angle but I think it’s fine. Probably could make it look better with green stuff or miliput.
    • I think you would also be able to get away using a Flamestorm gauntlet from and Aggressor but I didn’t have one and probably never will have an extra.
  • Spear and spear arm from Grey Knights.
  • Belt ornament and left shoulder from Salamanders Primaris kit.
  • Helmet is from the Liber Daemonica magma set.
  • Unfortunately I don’t have any more of the backpack braziers from the Salamanders kit and w/o a 3D printer it’s next to impossible to recreate all his Salamanders iconography.


  • Company Heroes Veteran w/ Bolt Rifle.
  • Hammer and left Shoulder from Salamanders Primaris Kit.
    • Will have to run the hammer as a normal power weapon but I felt like he needed a hammer because Salamanders.
  • Plasma Pistol and arm from the Company Heroes captain that didn’t get used.
  • Liber Daemonica helmet.