Was just struggling through this last weekend, thanks! Formatting is a little rough though, could you pastebin it?
services: db: image: mariadb restart: always command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --log-bin=binlog --binlog-format=ROW volumes: - ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql environment: - MYSQL_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextclouddb - MYSQL_USER=nextclouduser - MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD='yes' redis: image: redis restart: always command: redis-server --requirepass supersecretpassword2 app: image: nextcloud:27 restart: always ports: - 8080:80 links: - db - redis volumes: - ./html:/var/www/html environment: - MYSQL_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextclouddb - MYSQL_USER=nextclouduser - MYSQL_HOST=db - REDIS_HOST_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword2 depends_on: - db - redis cron: image: nextcloud:27 restart: always volumes: - ./html:/var/www/html entrypoint: /cron.sh depends_on: - db
Is this better?
I still can link to paste bin if it isnt’t
Much, thanks!
Thx, will try yours next. I always experiment with some combinations, my preferred never worked. But yours looks closest to it. I always want proxy’s out of the compose file but I would prefer postgresql over mariadb
I read somewhere that Maria db is faster. I could be wrong though
hm i never used redis for Netxcloud.
Probably should, it significantly decreased load times in my testing.
Thank you. Maybe it could be improved by externalizing user credentials with docker secrets: https://docs.docker.com/compose/use-secrets/
I know it was meant quick and dirty. Just for anybody who uses the script as an approach for their self-hosting solution.