If you like debian you could try crunchbang++ and Antix.
Or you could install arch or void linux and configure it minimally with xfce or some window manager.
If you want something fresh , checkout nixos. I have had nixos on my desktop for less than a month now and I’m already considering sticking with it for the forseaable future.
Depends what you mean by “best”. Personally, I use Lubuntu, as it is an ideal combo of features vs. resource lightness for me. Linux light and Puppy Linux are also among more popular lightweight distros.
What’s the best lightweight distro and desktop environment combo as of today?
If you like debian you could try crunchbang++ and Antix.
Or you could install arch or void linux and configure it minimally with xfce or some window manager.
If you want something fresh , checkout nixos. I have had nixos on my desktop for less than a month now and I’m already considering sticking with it for the forseaable future.
Depends what you mean by “best”. Personally, I use Lubuntu, as it is an ideal combo of features vs. resource lightness for me. Linux light and Puppy Linux are also among more popular lightweight distros.