• Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Significant varied complexity would be more of 5 condiment choices, 2 bread choices, 3 ham choices but 1 might be expired even though it’s your favorite, 3 vegetable choices, peanut butter, 3 jam choices.

    This doesn’t fundamentally change what I’m getting at. Of all the choices, none of them are evil. Yet they are still choices.

    None of these choices are evil, but they can lead to suffering or the potential to make a bad choice.

    Call it evil/suffering/sin/etc, the label is irrelevant to my point.

    False equivalence. The thing is, you can play tic-tac-toe without intelligent decision. You could win a game through sheer randomness by just flipping a coin (heads = x, tails = o) and randomly picking a square. Want to take it further? You can draw the # on ground in the autumn, and leaves could just fall in place (red vs yellow) and form what looks like a game of tic tac toe.

    I don’t think you quite understood what I was getting at, so let me rephrase. An intelligent actor with free will and an unintelligent actor without it will both have patterned outcomes to games of tic tac toe.

    So patterned outcome cannot be a deciding factor for what is and what is not free will.