Should I watch all 20 years of the original run or just begin with the new one which I think is been around for 15 years? What are the best episodes? I’ve seen only a handful of the old and New ones but I liked what Ive seen, just hoping for a guide to really get into it

    9 months ago

    The companions are an issue –– though Graham and, to a lesser degree, Yaz are great when they are permitted their few minutes of personality every so often. It’s simply that the show cares a lot less about reasons for them all being on screen than just putting them there and having them say some lines to fill up an hour of television.

    But I think Elizabeth Sandifer’s brilliant essay over on Tardis Eruditorum about the episode Kerblam! from 13’s first season is an excellent distillation of the issues with the Chibnall era, one of the best pieces of writing about why the whole thing is so uncomfortable.