• memfree@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I had never heard the particular sentence, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” as a phrase, but seeing the video, there did not seem to be any hostility in her voice nor actions. The article says:

    In the church, he said, to rebuke is to cast out a demon, or keep a demon from using a person to do something bad. The phrase can be said casually, though, in response to someone’s misbehavior. When Massey says it, her voice is louder and clearer than it has been before, but she doesn’t sound angry. It’s the tone of voice that you might use while saying: For goodness’ sake, this is really getting ridiculous.

    That fits with her actions: totally non-confrontational, but with the mildest of chastisements.

    • theangryseal@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I grew up in an insanely religious community and not only have I heard that phrase, it’s been used on me in an argument I had with someone when I was a teenager.

      I heard it constantly. I was taught to say it as a small child when I was scared of the dark. No demons gonna get me. :p

      It just made me even more sad for her, because it reminded me of the old ladies from my childhood. It was a phrase used to combat feelings of fear. She was terrified and probably thought she would receive help from the almighty in that moment.

  • tyrant@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    To add to this… a lot of police confirmation videos I see someone MAYBE acting strange or MAYBE doing something that a cop could find threatening. This one I saw absolutely no danger or strange behavior. The lady was just talking to them like any of us would talk to each other. It’s disgusting.

    • MTK@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      How dare you ignore her deadly weapon, the pot of water that she was pouring down the drain.

      They could have gotten wet, potentially, if she would have shown any sign of intention to throw it at them. But if they didn’t shot her they could have maybe gotten wet, if they also didn’t move.

      This is the kind of chaos, fear, traumas and danger or finest have to deal with every day! So it is very understandable if they decide to announce their intentions (“I can shoot you in your fucking face”) and then do it once she begs for forgiveness (“please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”)

      Who else would protect us?!

      • Klear@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Afraid of getting wet? Those policemen were pussies. That’s no excuse for what they did. Now if there were acorns involved…

  • tgm@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    What a horrible thing to happen. Was hear use of “rebuke” odd? Sure, but hardly threatening. I am very curious what the officer has to say in his defence, I do not see hos this could anything other than murder. Perhaps discussion of which degree, but surely murder and not manslaughter.

    I am devastated on behalf of Massey’s family and I hope they will eventually find peace.

    • prole@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 months ago

      Sadly, that kind of “incantation” is not all that uncommon among Christians (typically the poorer, less educated ones, but that’s just coincidental I’m sure) in America. And this is coming from someone in a solid blue area. From what I understand, it’s much more prevalent the further south you go, but it’s everywhere.

      Also, as an atheist who grew up in an evangelical environment, there’s a pretty good chance she knew something was “off” about how this cop was behaving towards her, and based on what I’ve read, that comports. From what I understand, he seemed annoyed to have to come out for the call even though the original reason for the call (possible prowler I think?) was no longer an issue.

      There’s a lot of subtle things that body cams don’t/can’t catch, but might jump right out to a human who is actually there as something alarming or “not right.”

      For the younger folks: he failed the vibe check? But no, seriously, I know how these people can be, and she likely saw something in this man’s face/eyes that told her that she was in danger, and unfortunately, she was taught that an invisible sky wizard that gives babies leukemia would step in and save her.

      It wasn’t Satan that you saw in his eyes, just racism, rage and psychopathy.

  • Melody Fwygon@lemmy.one
    2 months ago

    Disgusting. I hope this stupid cop rots in jail for life.

    It’s apparent there’s a crisis brewing in Law Enforcement and Officers are not getting trained properly. Frankly, I don’t care what police training says; it isn’t smart to use a sidearm on somebody who does not have any kind of weapon on them equal to that sidearm.

    Similarly we need to quickly dismiss and retire officers to a desk job or no badge at all; who are showing signs of psychological trauma and problems; regardless of if they say they’re OK or not.

    Similarly departments should not be operating in a manner that can send a stressed officer out to assist someone. Make sure duty rotations do not overly tax them, make sure they have plenty of breaks, and make sure they’re fresh, properly trained, calm and relaxed. Don’t send the wrong officer out for the job if possible. Don’t hire assholes, don’t hire felons, don’t hire people with dark triad tendencies, and don’t hire people with psychological problems or problems with authority.

    Being an officer of any jurisdiction is a privilege we should revoke in an absolute instant the moment that any indication of problems arise in their empathy and cognition. Officers need to be good and sensible people with no issues.

    There just isn’t any valid excuse for a police officer murdering an innocent, unarmed and scared woman like that. For any reason. It was his duty to protect her, and he not only did not do that, he intimidated her and killed her.

  • Cuttlefish1111@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    She seemed to have mental problems and the police should’ve known it and be documented to the address so they send a mental health counselor with police.

    The pair of officers come off aggressive from the start. Guy was just itching to do what he did. I’m glad he actually got charged for it.