In light of what’s happened to Durov and possibly seeing Telegram compromised, I’m doubling my efforts to find a new main messenger. Before you start, not Signal as it’s a bad fit for the needs of me, my family and friends.
So what do I need?
- The ability to run on multiple devices. Me, my family and friends all have multiple Android devices.
- The ability to run on desktop. Linux and Windows.
- Built in sticker repository. What can I say, I like to lazy flirt.
- Animated Emoji. I like my messenger experience vibrant.
- Material You. Again with the vibrancy, but also, it’s a sign of modernity.
- Phone number linking. My family and friends are lazy as hell.
- Synchronized chats. I don’t mind self hosting a bridge, but the ability to see messages on multiple devices is a must.
- Voice Messages
- Video Calls
- Group Video Calls
- Stories integrated into as first class citizens
- Private. If you suggest WhatsApp, I’m assuming you’re either stupid or a troll.
Can anyone recommend anything?
X The ability to run on multiple devices. Me, my family and friends all have multiple Android devices. ✔️ The ability to run on desktop. Linux and Windows. X Built in sticker repository. What can I say, I like to lazy flirt. X Animated Emoji. I like my messenger experience vibrant. ✔️(partial Material You. Again with the vibrancy, but also, it’s a sign of modernity. ✔️ Phone number linking. My family and friends are lazy as hell. ✔️ Synchronized chats. I don’t mind self hosting a bridge, but the ability to see messages on multiple devices is a must. ✔️ Voice Messages ✔️ Video Calls ✔️ Group Video Calls ✔️? Stories integrated into as first class citizens
Not sure what you meant by stories integrated as first class citizens. Signal does have stories, though.
In summary, signal fits your criteria quite well, only missing out on full material you support, stickers, and animated emojis. I may be missing an app, but I believe that this is the best you will get without going for telegram.
Edited for accuracy
Signal Stickers works well enough to have a good repo of stickers.
I didn’t even know about this, that’s cool.
Scroll down to other devices and tell me what it says please
As for the rest, you’re being dishonest with those ticks. I don’t understand what the benefit is.
Not tabs.
Literally fails at the first hurdle and then the third and fourth, but somehow fits my criteria?
Sorry for checking the first one, I misunderstood your criteria.
“Not tabs” is not clear enough, I still can’t understand what you mean
You never specified that these were in order of importance.
They mean that stories are hidden away in a tab rather than up at the top which would be clearly visible at all times, like other messaging apps do it.
Ok, thanks.