i’m sorry but what kinda pictures you gonna take with that shit
gonna be some joe niépce shit where you spend all day takin a damn photo with a goddam blanket on your head and it turns out lookin like a bunch of rectangles
gonna be like some matthew brady shit where you can only take pictures of dead ppl because no alive person wants to be in your shitass photo
yeah but so’s lunchables. pyrrhic victory
neatly partitioned meats and cheeses appeal to me on an aesthetic level ok mfer
ham cheese. ham cracker. cheese cracker. ham and cheese cracker. ham and cheese
could even do it like a little big mac so it’s like cracker ham cheese cracker ham cheese cracker
shit there’s nobody says you can’t go like ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham. great big ol hampuck just for me.
i’m sorry but what kinda pictures you gonna take with that shit
gonna be some joe niépce shit where you spend all day takin a damn photo with a goddam blanket on your head and it turns out lookin like a bunch of rectangles
gonna be like some matthew brady shit where you can only take pictures of dead ppl because no alive person wants to be in your shitass photo
Uh, I should prolly add context:
A person of culture, I see :)