What does the height of your car have to do with it? I have astigmatism and lights can be annoying sometimes but I drive a Civic and never really felt like it was a safety issue.
Headlights shining directly into the windshield. Vehicles overall are getting taller so more often than not now if you drive a shorter vehicle the headlights will be shining directly into your eyes. Not saying getting a taller vehicle is the solution but I’m pretty sure that’s what OP was getting at.
What does the height of your car have to do with it? I have astigmatism and lights can be annoying sometimes but I drive a Civic and never really felt like it was a safety issue.
Headlights shining directly into the windshield. Vehicles overall are getting taller so more often than not now if you drive a shorter vehicle the headlights will be shining directly into your eyes. Not saying getting a taller vehicle is the solution but I’m pretty sure that’s what OP was getting at.