Or (A)llemagne, (N)iemcy, (T)yskland, (S)aksa, (V)asija (you won’t encounter the last two unless you use a website in Finnish or Estonian, however the first three are used in numerous countries including Germany’s neighbors).
The lists are occasionally auto-translated, sometimes I see “🇹🇷 Truthahn”.
Or (A)llemagne, (N)iemcy, (T)yskland, (S)aksa, (V)asija (you won’t encounter the last two unless you use a website in Finnish or Estonian, however the first three are used in numerous countries including Germany’s neighbors).
The lists are occasionally auto-translated, sometimes I see “🇹🇷 Truthahn”.
In my case it’s either (A)ustria, (Ö)sterreich (listed as O), or (Ö)sterreich (listed after Z)