I’m a simple man, I see TikTok I dislike.
- Old man yells at clouds
In fairness, fuck clouds.
Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in cumulonimbus
How limb does it have to be to get stuck in water vapor?
Kinda your own fault for being on Tiktok in the first place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There’s been a recent flood of it here, though. A new (i think) page titled ‘gifs’ started flooding my All feed and pretty much every post is a “watch till the end” for a 10sec clip…🙄
Most of those are reposted by the same account. You just need to ban a few accounts and the feed is clean again.
Step 1: block archiebot
Step 2: enjoy about 75% reduced spam
wAs EiNsTEiN wRoNg?
wAiT TiLL tHe EnD tO FiNd OuT!
tHe AnSWeR WiLL SHOCK YoU!Yeah… unliked and blocked, moving on.
Like the face people make for the thumbnails
This face almost made me downvote you.