“Why are Ukrainians skeptical of ‘good russians’” - Kyiv Independent

There appears to be a surge in both russian narrative and russian perspective posts here in this community. I ask the community to consider, before posting, “does this narrative support Russia’s goals and objectives?” There is plenty of Ukrainian-perspective content out there of varying views and sometimes conflicting opinions to share here. I’m not sure what sharing p*tin speeches is adding to the UKRAINE community. If you want to share and talk about so called russian “dissidents” and various russian perspectives, I’m sure there are russian communities that can cater to you better.

І для тих хто розуміє. Це теж саме що їхня пропагандистська машина прокачувала десятиліттями “ну чо там у хохлов?” А тепер просто перетворилась у “ну чо там у москалей?” Руських на хороших і поганих будемо ділити після перемоги. Єдність до перемоги - Україно, вперед!