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The sun is not yellow or orange as we see in books and movies. It emits all the colours in the visible spectrum (also in other spectrums as well) making it white!

    1 year ago

    Colors are a perception, true, which is why we don’t really talk about colors, we talk about wavelengths and temperature. 5800K is not white (relatively equal amounts of all visible light wavelengths), it’s light blue (decent amounts of most visible light wavelengths, but a significant peak in the 450-500nm wavelength band, which looks blue to us). Lightbulbs use color temperature because filament and halogen lights generate light the same way the sun does: by getting hot, and how hot it is determines the light wavelengths emitted. That’s why I included the chart, it’s a good analogue.

    If you look at the graph provided in the OP, you can see for yourself that there’s significantly more blue than anything else being emitted.