This is so imbalanced and vague.
People used to go full on Rainman designing these CYOAs.
Easy: Attractive Female, Attractive Male and implants.
“What kind of implants?”
Vibrating hand.
teleport, size manipulation, super smell. i am constantly teleporting into the rectums of famous actresses and experiencing ego death as their farts wash over me and erase all other sensations. i don’t even remember my name or how long I’ve been doing this for. all i know is my mission. i am the fartshifter
What exactly are divine powers? Are you basically the blue dude from Watchmen?
1 level 2 and 2 level 1 Cleric spells
I can’t even Remove Disease?! Fuck that shit!
The religion is Shinto and you gain the powers of a kappa
Yeah, that one could easily include all the others and more
Is that… Cartman?
Episode Fun with Weapons, I think was the name. It’s about the boys being obsessed with anime warriors and their weapons. This is the anime persona of Cartman.
It was probably one of the funnier episodes. Highly recommend!
The religion is Greganism. Greg believes in Ferraris and Skittles.
divine is religion based. like spawning 6 arms and dividing oceans. powering things up by blessing and being able to seal or banish evil.
dr. manhatten is physics based. he could maybe do similar things, but his powers are not magical. he can’t force a spirit to stay in a piece of armor or things like that.
Isn’t all of this magic?
I feel ‘Magic’ is able to cover a lot of these…
Immortality, Insanely Rich, Magic.
I will then become a supervillainous evil wizard. Sorry-not-sorry.
Immortal, invulnerable, teleport. I’m sure the super rich I can acquire in a lifetime or two in 1 hour deliveries. Cargo ship from U.S. to Australia in an hour, got you. Rich people need organ transplants? Poof.
Military needs someone to take someone out? Poof. A few contracts and now your stacking bank accounts.
Immortal, invulnerable, teleport
Accidentally teleport into deep space. Fuck
You’re invulnerable, just teleport again
Agility, Radiation and “gadgets”, or
Immortal, Flight and Invulnerability?
Nah, Attractive female, Insanely rich and Super Smell of course!
Attractive female, attractive male, invisibility
I’m the most beautiful creature on earth, and only I decide who gets the privilege of knowing it
Isn’t divine powers all of these?
The most op power in my eyes is super speed. You basically get infinite, on demand mass, strength and endurance, and can (assuming you can go really fast) time travel
That being said, the only super power I’d ever want is the ability to create fast-acting hormones of my choosing, with my nails acting as syringes when willed to be able to inject or secrete them
AKA Emporio Ivankov
Immortal, invulnerable, teleport. I can be where I want to be, when I want to be, until the end of time.
But you age.
Even if “immortality” is the sucky kind, invulnerability kind of implies that you’re immune to the aging process.
The fact that invulnerability is on the list strongly implys that “immortality” just means agelessness.
Attractive male, insanely rich, intellect.
Y’all have fun being superheroes. I’m gonna enjoy the fuck out of life.
Why would you pick intellect if you wanted a good time? Isn’t ignorance bliss?
Yes but that haven’t received the intelligence power yet so they don’t know that
There’s no rules that says having powers mean you have to be a superhero