They called her Bowlegd Took.
Reddit is trash
They called her Bowlegd Took.
TOTW is fun except you’re really overpowered for yhe beginning areas and kind of ruins the fun/challenge
If you want to build a robot army, get RobCo certified. Nothing like massacring your enemies and conquering the wasteland.
Posted it here on Lemmy in Mealtime
They also need to cut the US out of any involvement in Ukraine
I hate that our leaders are wannabe Imperialist swine.
Those billions will end up in the pockets of the oligarchs
Or essential oils
But what about all that avocado toast I am told is the cause of poorness?
I did that once. I got my head chewed off Monday. Some bosses think paying you a salary means they own you. Fuck them. Resist and decline.
I work to live. My kid asked me to write down the fanfic I’d been making up in my head. It’s nice to just be creative
It looks like a diverse group of lazy people to me.
I prefer to aim low and relax.
Musk is just a greedy cunt who fancies himself a king.
I seem to be the only one who likes Onedrive
Hired is a stretch.
This is a police state, you don’t get to do that.
Only the rich ones