A lot of people do not seem to understand the implications of climate change. The majority of people do not deny that climate change is happening (well, at least outside of the United States), and most of them also understand that it’s humans causing it through emissions of greenhouse gases and land-use change. But they still don’t understand that they will probably die from it. Here are the most likely ways you could die because of climate change
Awesome blog post. This is the best part:
The IPCC AR6 WG2 does not agree with the non-climate scientist blogger.
They don’t agree with a lot of what’s being observed. Take your pick on who is being realistic.
I lost respect for Mann when he took the road to blaming “doomers” for why humanity isn’t taking enough action. That’s a bunch of bullshit, and he knows it. I’m not sure why he veered from trying to inform people that we are in deep trouble to pointing fingers at people who are concerned.
Btw Michael, no one is saying the scientists are hiding the scary stuff. They’re pointing to the same data everyone else is getting and asking why isn’t anyone who can change things screaming fire. You’re in that group, Michael. Why AREN’T you worried more? I don’t want to make any suggestions on why you’re playing this act because I don’t know, but you know the science, so you should know better.
These threads are filled with doomers who consider “it’s worse than we thought” to be true regardless of who claims it, and any data - how well grounded in science it may be - that doesn’t support impending human extinction as false.
It’s funny, but as Mann points out, that’s the very definition of climate science denial too.
Sure, doom and gloom just because it’s trendy is bad. But doom as in, “it is worse than thought previously, because of this and that point” is not part of that. It’s “oh shit, look what we’ve done”.
Bill McGuire
It’s your choice to hold opinions over scientific consensus.
It’s known as climate science denial.
What? You literaly poster an opinion peace. By a climate scientist, yes, but so is the response I posted.
Plus, I quoted a study in reply to the comments about the IPCC.
How is that climate science denial?
The scientific consensus is in the IPCC reports.
And it is science denial to have a scientific opinion that is interpreting facts differently then the consensus?
Also, from my first source: