Hello, I’m a developer wanting to change from VSCode to Neovim. I’ve been using a Neovim extension for VSCode, so I know how to drive it to some extent.
I work with:
- Rust
- Typescript
- React
I’m happy to use default NVim mostly with:
- ctags
- ins-completion
- netrwtreelisting
I want to keep things really simple and use defaults when reasonable.
I basically just want to know how to set up Rust analyser and (for ts) prettier/eslint.
- Should I use a nvim conf file or lua? I’m happy to learn Lua if it’s recommended.
- If I need packages for the above functionality, which package manager is best (excuse the imprecise terminology)?
- Any additional recommendations?
Thank you.
This video playlist from typecraft helped me a lot to set up a minimal neovim config: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsz00TDipIffreIaUNk64KxTIkQaGguqn
I once in a while, improve, add or remove plugins and settings, whenever I find it necessary.
I use this rust plugin: https://github.com/mrcjkb/rustaceanvim However I haven’t used Rust very much in my neovom set up as of now.
Another good starting point for a neovim config is here: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim
Have fun.
Cheers, I managed to get Rustacean set up. Will look at those video, thank you
- Yes, definitely use lua. You don’t need to learn much, you can learn as you go
- I’d recommend lazy.nvim as a plugin manager
In fact, just start with kickstart.nvim. It is a starter config which is well documented and all in one file. It is a great starting point and you can then build from there. I’d recommend learning how to modularize and start moving stuff for separate concerns into separate files.