Oh no. I would hate this need, I’m not good at teaching, but let me take cooking. Not home ec in general, no. But culinary I could handle getting a curriculum together and teaching it, and it would be helpful.
Creative writing.
So fun to both reach and practice, and grading homework would be far more fun and interesting.
Schools need to teach media literacy. So if I had to do anything it would be this.
Great answer and I completely agree.
I do teach English as a Foreign language, I used to teach computer programming (at a beginner level), and sometimes I daydream about teaching math according to principles from the essay A Mathematician’s Lament by Paul Lockhart, but I am unlikely to be given the leeway to try.
I would teach Shop (that was still a thing when I was in high school in the 90s). I’m really good at making practical things, and making repairs. I would love to teach the basics like how to change a tire and whatnot.
I would teach arts and crafts to grade school kids. I’m really good at that stuff (I even have a degree). And I have a good course plan worked out.
Everybody tells me I’d last about an hour tho. I am not good with stress. Grade school kids have like 3x normal energy.
A real subject? CS Easy with what my Job ist, especialy the explaining it to the Client Part - and i am Not a Programer or Developer but Specialized in IT-Service and Consulting
A made-up subject? Democratic Literacy Critical Thinking, democratic Processes and the learnings from History All-Over-the-world made to improve and strengthen Democracy to the Pupils. In my opinion its the Most important Thing that Kids can be taught right now.
Communication. Because too many people suck at it