It’s the new “just get to the gym”. For many it won’t do jackshit plus outside USA this isn’t even a thing in some places. Even worse if you’re an immigrant, hell, immigrants go sick to their jobs and do extra days just to not get fired, do you think any of them care about “MeNtAl HEalTh”?

Shit, you would probably get mocked for being “weak” NOBODY I know has taken therapy, and I know alcoholics, divorced, cheaters… That’s how my world is.

Sometimes alcohol and adult videos, that’s my therapy, and I don’t see that changing and can’t do anything about it.

    18 hours ago

    I hope things improve for you with time.

    I’m not sure if you’re struggling with depression or something else but in case it helps, when I am at my lowest functioning depression I find the only way to climb out is to put myself on a relatively rigid regime including only the basics (food, water, sleep, sun, exercise, making money for expenses). Without those things no one could be healthy/happy so I figure I need to at least maintain the minimal conditions kinda like you have to eat even if you’re never hungry. I certainly can’t trust my brain which is telling me to just lay in bed so I do the things I know intellectually are necessary preconditions. I do not try to force myself to enjoy a hobby I used to enjoy or into a social situation I am dreading.

    Eventually, for me anyway, true motivation is able to emerge again and I can enjoy and want to do things again.

    I saw a free therapist (cognitive behavioral) for about a year during the mid-pandemic and did find it marginally helpful for social anxiety. Less so for depression.