How are her followers not sick of seeing her go on like her 10th gifted trip this year? How are people okay with this nonsense while most people can’t afford to go on any trips? And she gets to bring her whole family plus the parents!! This is her what 5th trip in the last month? It’s ridiculous that people are okay with watching this and support it.
Like yes let’s be excited seeing someone who can afford their own trips get handed another trip right after showing off their massive home renovation! Yay for her!!
Lmao 🤣 Did she forget she’s a Bills fan? I wonder if there is any chance Birdie was supposed to go but dropped it into Briony’s lap because Disney is more important than being a fake football fan. Update She designed a “Show” aka shoe
So - do we think the ‘silent screamer’ is Shame?
Oooo! I would love to know more! She really is a horrible human.
Also commented this
Maybe we should invite him here 😂
We need the tea!
Panic attacks??? Give me a f*cking break you ignorant tone deaf idiot. I am never one to minimize mental health, but let’s be real here. A lot of mental health issues stem from financial burden, or employment. This woman has a free ride DAILY!!! Her Ring camera must be going insane with all the gift deliveries from a plethora of companies. She barely parents her children and gets flown around the globe on GIFTED lifetime opportunities yet here she is “woe is me” F$ck off Sarah. F&ck off.
Awe, another timely performance playing the mental health card. That pesky cat hitting shit down the stairs again. At least it wasn’t someone breaking into the house that she so recklessly doesn’t keep the location of private.
As usual when she’s called out about anything she’s done, there’s a mental health post! So manipulative! And a lot of people commented that she would do this and sure enough… she’s just awful!
This is what happens when she sees the Guelph Reddit and knows how people in her community really think of her. When she walks down the mall, HomeSense, Tim Hortons in her community, she’s not a celeb she thinks she is. Everybody is watching her, but not in the way she wants and thinks. She’s the person who has screwed somebody they know over, stabbed them in the back, walked over them to get where she is. She isn’t self made, she’s a convenience friend, to get what she wants, then ditches you. She seems to forget how small Guelph actually is and that people who she went to school and church with truly know her, who she is and what she’s done to people. Knowing her stories of upbringing, school and first marriage are all BS.
Yep - need to rest up inside the house all day so I can hide away from the community
Ya and have her teenage daughter take the little one out to play in the snow and make memories while mom films it from the door 😒
Of course, she got called out yesterday for being a greedy bitch and now she needs to remind everyone how she’s a fragile lil baby and you better not hurt her feelings. Well she can go cry in her newly renovated kitchen, into her freezer full of food and then on her way to her free cruise on Sunday. What a rough life for poor lil Sarah! She gets everything in the world handed to her on a silver platter but still has to pull out the mental health card when the fire gets a little too hot, well I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Her life is just a hollow miserable shell underneath a pile of free crap.
God her sad, tired, woe is me face makes me so mad. She’s such a fake. She’s having a bad day so she’ll sit on the sofa filming her kids, watch Xmas movies and prob order takeout (since god forbid she cook or use her free meals) and that’s that. Must be nice.
She possesses one of the most smug ass faces I have ever seen.
What is happening with the collar bone(S) ?!
SO photoshopped!
Oh she loves this!! As a recovering anorexic I can tell you that we LOVE to see our collarbone sticking out like this. I can spot this pose from a mile away - she is a complete FRAUD and her sheep eat it all up.
It looks weirdly photoshopped, do you think?
Donates my ass. As if she needed to keep these.
Then this face. ICK, this is the face I literally cannot stand 😤😤😤
Hi im Sarah and I’m a fame hungry, greedy, freeloading, entitled, absent mother (but also uses “motherhood” as one of my platforms) and I love myself and alllllllllll the free gifts I get in life. God I can’t stand this ignorant woman. If tone deaf were a person………