They’ve been screaming about socialism and communism for over 20 years now. The next wave of voters has become numb to this bullshit talking point.
It’s kind of how in the past they were screaming that gays are going to kill marriages for 20 years, then people finally saw through their bullshit so now they are attacking trans people.
Republican talking points are always fear mongering and lies. My entire life they have NEVER provided a solution to anything. It’s constant hysteria and then reactionary bullshit like the patriot act and Iraq war that has made things infinitely worse.
Republicans want to seem tough, but they are some of the most scared, biggest bitches you’ll ever meet. They are literarily afraid of bathrooms…
lol every time they try to fear monger about Harris and Walz they just make them cooler. idiots.
“if she wins everybody gets free healthcare”
“he’s a socialist”
“she wants communism”
well sign me the fuck up then, you dodo.
They’ve been screaming about socialism and communism for over 20 years now. The next wave of voters has become numb to this bullshit talking point.
It’s kind of how in the past they were screaming that gays are going to kill marriages for 20 years, then people finally saw through their bullshit so now they are attacking trans people.
Republican talking points are always fear mongering and lies. My entire life they have NEVER provided a solution to anything. It’s constant hysteria and then reactionary bullshit like the patriot act and Iraq war that has made things infinitely worse.
Republicans want to seem tough, but they are some of the most scared, biggest bitches you’ll ever meet. They are literarily afraid of bathrooms…
20? More like 45-65 years.