Are they ever not watching this goddamn movie? This whole child’s life is just watching movies over and over again. Poor girl needs better parents.
Starting to look like a little girl but still acting and treated like a baby 😞
Right on the bullseye. How sad.
Yeah i remember having a 4 yr old who wanted to watch the same movie over and over and maybe I was a witch of a mom but I didn’t let her lol 1. I deserve sanity and 2. It seemed weird to me to not expand horizons? Why not say “since you like Wicked let’s try the wizard of oz?!” 3. And most importantly, we didn’t watch a movie EVERY SINGLE DAY cause we were busy with pre-school, activities, cooking, cleaning and dance class.
Sarah is a LASY parent! She lets L do what ever keeps her silent and entertained so she can stare at herself in her phone while sitting on her ass.
Such a good point! I assume kids always want to watch things repeatedly as they’re kids and probably don’t know better. But like you said, most families probably don’t have time for this between actually doing more productive things with their days.
Came here to say exactly this!!!
They love blowing smoke up her ass. She didnt research and put it on an itinerary. She googled “where to get an espresso martini in Epcot”. I would have done that for myself lol
“Best friend” they never even hang out lol
This moron talking about saving money making useless loot bags for her bday trip. Any money she spends on those bags is a waste. No one cares if she chose not to spend 200$ vs 20$. This weekend is going to be the grossest!
It’s funny when she talks about saving money considering all the crap she buys and a new home renovation and trips etc. Like nice try trying to be relatable but you’re the furthest thing from relatable. Like she literally planned a 40th bday trip for 3 years and we’re meant to relate to her being thrifty over some tote bags.
She’s trying to look creative and crafty. The bags are the easiest, laziest do-it-yourself project. She could at least hand-stitch her guest’s names on the bags. It’s not like she’s busy with a job or raising children.
It’s the loot bag equivalent of a store-bought plain white cake with sprinkles dumped on it for her daughter’s birthday lmao
haha true!
Also where are the disclosures for the 3 accounts—Disney, travel agent & grocery delivery—she tagged in that story about how to make everything “simple”??? Not allowed to post photos here for some reason. I know for a fact she’s partnered with them before. Unless she’s tagging the grocery company to give her free snacks while she’s there?
She has never spent a penny on Vacationgrocerydelivery. They have gifted her every single time she’s gone to Florida. I don’t even think she knew they existed. I would love to know what the travel agent is getting out of this.
She is the most disgraceful, tone deaf idiot on the internet. The absolute audacity of her to project “thrifty” is appalling.
Loot bags!!! Are you serious??? Omg??? Please let this ship sink!
She’s planning that many friends going? That’s kinda obnoxious.
lol I thought the same considering she doesn’t even seem to have any friends. I’m sure it’s just all fake shine friends though.
I wonder if her sister will be joining her on her birthday trip.
I bet not. There’s no benefit to bird if the sister comes. Also their relationship seems weeeeeird
This bitch. Weird that’s not what I’ve witnessed around town. Also most people don’t pick a team based on a Netflix documentary or what is trending at the moment ffs. You’re so amazing Bird Vomit. Keep collecting that $$ from NFL CA # 1 paid fan.
Her with her “natural” face and disgusting lips acting like she’s all special lol
Maybe if she was in Buffalo or another NFL city people would care but literally NOBODY in Guelph gives a shit that she’s out here wearing Eagles gear lol. Nobody even would notice.
“Dare to be different” except follow your favorite “influencer” and buy into everything bs thing they are selling. ✌️ she’s delusional.
Imagine having nothing wrong in your life so you have to make up problems like this?
The day 1 video - did she hire a videographer to follow them around?
Sarah in her “I’m so skinny my sweat suit is falling off” look is so obvious. This trip is her reason for wanting to be skinny. She’s tricked so many people with her self love bs.
Videographer. Omgosh. She’s so important isn’t she lol. Yikes. I hope this makes so many people unfollow! Id love to not be blocked and see the 100s of comments about how she deserves yet another big dollar trip.
But do people actually call her out?!? I go through those comments looking for the smart people but all I ever see are her sheep praising her 😒
She deletes all negative comments…or Shame does, I think that’s his career job! How he looks her in the eyes at the end of a day is beyond me.
All he see’s when he looks at her is dollar signs 🤑
You’ll notice all the likes on her comments are from sex bot pages … she’s disgusting
You think she woke up and checked her snark?! 😏
And just for giggles at our girl who doesn’t filter or edit this old goodie was on her hair stylist page. 🤣 Idiot.
“I don’t filter”, but let’s not forget…she monetized off an entire filter app of her own
Is this suppose to be Sarah? 😂
Someone did tag a photographer, so maybe?
She knew there would be a lot of opportunities for candids, so she had to get skinny quickly for the trip. It’s so sad living that way. She’s supposed to be celebrating and having fun, but instead, she’ll have to hide and pose and manipulate.
Ya the same chick (Lydia) who did her shitty bday pics
Lmfao and they’re off! Watching Real Housewives on the flight, creating affiliate link folders, adding booze into Starbucks lol. Turdie sitting beside drugged-up NB and her giant bag of candy instead of her sister. I can hear her incessant chatter and candy wrappers all flight. This is going to be fun!
I feel like they are all already down low hating on each other. Not tagging each other in pics, picking their buddies, excluding others. Sarah’s sister did not want to be in her stories that was very obvious. Do you think Sarah drafted NDAs for this trip?
Who even is that lady that Ariana was mixing drinks with? I’ve never seen her hang out with Birdie before. Did Shine give her the guest list for this trip that they probably paid for or what.
I have no idea! Personally I would not think nor want to invite people I’m not close with or hang out with regularly to my destination birthday. Such an odd group she decided to do this with. She also has a less than amused air to herself in the picture taken of everyone at the airport
It’s very strange, I agree. Why go on a trip with people you see like once a year, if that? This is her attempt to look like she has a “girl group” yet we see her entire life on Instagram and she NEVER hangs out with majority of the people going on this trip. If it was a realistic friends trip the only people who’d be there are Bri, NB, maybe Ariana and maybe quickie nails if that. She just didn’t wanna look like she has no real friends. It’s very clear Shine made her invite specific people and they probably footed the bill for it if she invited them.
Wonder if she made them sign an NDA and aren’t allowed to post pics she can’t control. 14 of social media addicts? With booze and edibles? Something is going to slip for sure
Yeah…if you invite people to your birthday do you pay for the whole trip or they pay for their own and get to tag along and be in the queens orbit 🤣.
I’m curious to know how this works because they all have different budgets.
She’s married into an affluent family in Guelph who owns a very large transport company. She just married into money and riding coat tails. I think they might have met at a black tie bingo event for the hospital. Her and her husband have been going for years and years, prior to even showing her face with this crowd
Very interesting. Maybe she bought her way into the trip because they’ve legit never hung out. Thanks for the scoop.
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I think she may be in the real estate field.
Must of been the 1st time seeing a reversible garment for this clown.
Also. Eewww. Her looks are going downhill fast. Wtf.
She’s sharing less filtered/edited photos of herself before her trip where we might see more candid photos of her. She always does this before trips/events where people might see the stark difference between what she posts and unedited photos. She’s very calculated.
She is clearly not eating as well. She looks gaunt and sickly. Not a good look at all. Compared to the bleph girl, Birdshit looks haggard. Body positive though…
She looks horrible, not sure what she’s doing to herself but someone should step in
Why does her neck look like a vagina?
I literally thought of Trump’s vagina neck.
🤣 Sometimes this is the snark we all need!!!
I woke up to these comments 🤣🤣
A vagina with wings 👂 👂
She’s literally never not shopping. Needing to find vintage Disney shit like she doesn’t have enough to wear 🙄
$50-60+ for a used sweatshirt. She probably had a deal with them. She has never mentioned this place before.
She’s such a mean girl bully she almost had me feeling sorry for Alicia. Almost.
Same. I hate Alicia but regardless of that I don’t like when people act like certain “friends” are below them.
Alicia is the WORST. Shes the biggest bully!!!
1st Ad of the day. It was on Major sale ✌️ She sounds like a 15 yr old.
All the sudden the gaunt look is gone. And who is dying to buy that sweat suit lol. You couldn’t pay me to wear anything Mickey.
That gaunt filter from yesterday takes 50 pounds off her. It’s ridiculous and sad. What a sad life. How close is this picture to the “real” her even??
3 years to plan your own 40th bday. Sick!!! Serious so mental. How does she have any fans. So unrelatable!
It might have been a thought in her head but she wasn’t planning shit for 3 years like she claims. You can’t book anything that far In advance.
Absolutely no way. Especially not for Disney!
How could she possibly need three years to plan, for someone already so seasoned and well-versed in the world of Disney/traveling there etc. Embarrassing if she did actually take and need three years
Tbh it took me 3 years to plan my 40th, but I’m including the savings I had to do. I would consider it an intermediate level travel (Safari in Kenya!) And I’m bringing my kids because I want to celebrate with them. I could cobble together a girls weekend to Disney in about 4 hours lol what else could they need? Park tickets and a ride? We know they aren’t doing anything else.
She needed 3 years to make friends who would go with her. Your trip sounds amazing!
And get NDA’s signed lol
Safari!!! I’m jealous! That definitely takes years. Enjoy every second!!! How awesome!
Thank you! I’ve been saving and working on it. At least I can be proud of it!
What!!! That’s amazing!!!
Getting all dolled up, in a matching Mickey Mouse sweatsuit, just to go on a plane to Disney, as an adult…not weird at all…
The filter on her stories with the ugly glasses in the car. Wtf. Is she that gaunt now or extreme filter??? If she’s lost that much weight she needs to see a dr. Her chin and jaw are in fairy princess mode. Ditto eyes so I’m assuming filtered to the extreme. I need a real unedited photo of this person. It’s so jarring.
I bet she’ll make a speech about being in the moment and forgetting about their career jobs to just be children again while at Disney to limit the possible candids. I’m sure she hired a photographer and she’ll control what photos are shared. She lives such a sad life!
Check instagram vs reality she was on there.
She used the same extreme filter in France. She has said before she hates being the size larger friend. Perhaps travelling with groups of women triggers her dysmorphia.
Hoping for the unedited version from the guests to her party - like the bike ride in Paris that showed the truth.
Her muse is very transparent about the work she gets done. Admitted to a bleph and botox/filler. No backlash. Nobody cares. And yet…
Geez. She looks like horrible!!!
Queen Panties is on her way
Same eyebrow lift filter as TBP
If shine isn’t paying, she probably is
I can’t wait to see what hotel they are at.
Of course, Joanna has a filter on.
I wonder if mamma big bucks has an epic surprise for BirdShit up her sleeve.
Miss rich and famous begging for freebies again 🙄
There is only a shit load of reviews she could read online. They will send her one for free by the end of the week. I’m so sick of this tactic.
She actually bought it, but it still comes off tone deaf. She got an idea and spent almost $400 on it by the afternoon. Are her followers able to spend that much on an impulse buy? She doesn’t even know if it’s actually going to work for her.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this was all just a ruse and she was already being sent one after last week when she was showing her “team” filling out her paper calendars. The brand probably reached out to send her one.
Now she had to make this whole thing up like she’s planning on buying one.
It will be collecting dust with her pink walking pad in no time.
Deep Thoughts by BirdShit aka “The Writer”
Wtf. Is this a new post? She’s insane.
It’s a random old one from when she tried to convince everyone how healthy she is.
stuckness 🤣
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She doesn’t even sit by her sister. I wonder how that feels for her sister to be the odd one out.
How many clowns can they fit into a clown car?
Bet her sister feels so out place with all these losers on their phone all the time
Her poor sister - look how uncomfortable she looks
Alicia is right up on there, noping the sister out the gate!
I think Nana told sister she had to go!!!
She’s crying!!! Oh my