Eat meat, sleep better.

I have found on zerocarb much more than low carb is sleep

I fall asleep hard and quickly. I wake 7 hours later fully awake immediately. Dreams happen, last night I had two different ones that I recalled when I woke. But as soon as I was awake I could immediately be up and doing stuff.

Alcohol messes with this in all dimensions - slower falling asleep, fuzzier wake up. It’s so much better when sober. Sometimes I simply can’t fall asleep because I’m too drunk.

  • jetMA
    2 months ago

    Canadian born Amber O’Hearn, M.Sc., is a data scientist by profession with a background in mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and psychology. After moving to the U.S., she began experimenting with different forms of diet, in order to retain her health and balance her mental state. She has been studying and experimenting with ketogenic diets since 1997. More recently she has begun writing and speaking about her findings. Her review on the evolutionary appropriateness and benefit of weaning babies onto a meat-based, high fat, low carb diet, was included as testimony defending Prof. Tim Noakes in his trial. Amber has been eating a carnivorous diet for over 11 years and is the founder of CarnivoryCon, an annual conference dedicated to the carnivore lifestyle.

    40m video

  • jetMA
    2 months ago

    I’ve found being on mostly carnivore that coffee and tea is much more effective, keeps me very wired now, even one cup.

    My circadian rhythm is stronger now, I get tired when the sun goes down, easy to go to sleep if I let myself.

    Wow growth hormone depends on deep sleep cycles!

    Using fasting studies as a proxy for ketogenic metabolism is a delightful research method

    The adenison depression link is really interesting

    Sleep deprivation insulin resistance was new to me

    I liked her explanation of dawn phenomenon