• crownofgold6@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    “I signed up for everyone having clean clothes available” ??? Well aren’t you a saint. Her big kids can’t do their own laundry? I was def doing small loads of my own laundry at their ages, but I’ve come to the conclusion they have zero responsibilities around the house. God forbid you need to wash your youngests clothes, like wtf??? I’m sure majority of the laundry bin is her own mess anyways.

    She really does need props for everything she does. I’m sick as a dog right now, pregnant and I just finished folding a load of laundry and put in a load of laundry that I’ll proceed to also fold and put away when it’s done. Guess what though? I’m not gonna get on social media and ask for accolades for it, I’m just doing it bc it’s part of life.