Get wrecked you sack of shit. Of course your arms are tired. You never have to lift a fucking finger, ever!!! Unless it’s to scan your passport. And SHOCKER… poor prison child glued to the screen again.
Shane is a loser yes-dear robot at this point but imagine your partner asking you to film you lifting your child up a few times for social media content… what a sad life these two have created for themselves and their poor child
They’re both so pathetic. The fact Shame is okay with all of this makes me sick, that little girl deserves one good adult in her life who isn’t out to exploit her but she has no one. Her mom exploits her, her father allows it and her nana films her for content too. Poor kid.
And the scariest part is that she really does act like a puppet :( she’s so robotic and everything they film with her seems so staged. Breaks my heart for her.
S posted a story a few days ago (I think they were watching Up!) and L was literally waiting for her cue to start talking, it was mind blowing.
OMG. You’re right.
It won’t work cause she’s the least expressive preschooler I’ve ever seen, but I’m sure Bird will pull any strings she can to open doors.
I’ve never thought about it but you’re right! She rarely if ever makes faces or expressions. My heart goes out to this little girl who will either never see school and make friends or who will see school but will not have any idea what is going on and why not every minute of every day is Disney play time and dress up.
Good luck. That child doesn’t know how to actually engage with other people and is frequently unresponsive when not reciting sound bites or playing along with some stupid “skit”.
The stories that were related to this one really bothered me too!! Poor L. is stuck at home watching whole boxes of free items being opened as though she’s actually interested in any of it as a 4 year old! She’s treated like a prop for the sack of shit’s idiotic videos! I can’t stand it. I would love her to just be able to be a kid and go skating/dance lessons/soccer whatever L. wants to do! Make some friends her own age, etc. I don’t see how that vapid twit S. can’t understand that her little girl needs those things. Makes me so angry! S. is a selfish, shitty person!
You lifted your child up three times, wow mother of the year. Sarah’s eyes/expression could not be more disrespectful to L, in my opinion. L looks like she is either not enjoying this or has no idea why it’s happening, or both
I would think even her genuine fans wonder why all this child is seemingly allowed to do is wear Wicked-themed clothing and watch Wicked… again and again.
Get wrecked you sack of shit. Of course your arms are tired. You never have to lift a fucking finger, ever!!! Unless it’s to scan your passport. And SHOCKER… poor prison child glued to the screen again.
So exhausting for her being a mom for an hour a day after NK does all the heavy lifting all day long 🙄
I’m sorry but the amount they watch this movie is out of control
Shane is a loser yes-dear robot at this point but imagine your partner asking you to film you lifting your child up a few times for social media content… what a sad life these two have created for themselves and their poor child
They’re both so pathetic. The fact Shame is okay with all of this makes me sick, that little girl deserves one good adult in her life who isn’t out to exploit her but she has no one. Her mom exploits her, her father allows it and her nana films her for content too. Poor kid.
It’s actually incredibly disturbing and scary. These people are using the child as a puppet and literally laughing about it. They are mentally unwell.
And the scariest part is that she really does act like a puppet :( she’s so robotic and everything they film with her seems so staged. Breaks my heart for her.
S posted a story a few days ago (I think they were watching Up!) and L was literally waiting for her cue to start talking, it was mind blowing.
How has no one reported them to CAS for borderline child abuse yet?
I feel like Bird’s back up plan is to get this kid into acting whether she likes it or not.
OMG. You’re right. It won’t work cause she’s the least expressive preschooler I’ve ever seen, but I’m sure Bird will pull any strings she can to open doors.
I’ve never thought about it but you’re right! She rarely if ever makes faces or expressions. My heart goes out to this little girl who will either never see school and make friends or who will see school but will not have any idea what is going on and why not every minute of every day is Disney play time and dress up.
I’ve thought the same for a while now, she’s been trying to push it SO hard especially lately.
BFF Ariana is now calling herself a stage mom! Taking her daughter to a photo shoot 🙄
Is that the word of the week for these women? S keeps saying it too.
Good luck. That child doesn’t know how to actually engage with other people and is frequently unresponsive when not reciting sound bites or playing along with some stupid “skit”.
The stories that were related to this one really bothered me too!! Poor L. is stuck at home watching whole boxes of free items being opened as though she’s actually interested in any of it as a 4 year old! She’s treated like a prop for the sack of shit’s idiotic videos! I can’t stand it. I would love her to just be able to be a kid and go skating/dance lessons/soccer whatever L. wants to do! Make some friends her own age, etc. I don’t see how that vapid twit S. can’t understand that her little girl needs those things. Makes me so angry! S. is a selfish, shitty person!
You lifted your child up three times, wow mother of the year. Sarah’s eyes/expression could not be more disrespectful to L, in my opinion. L looks like she is either not enjoying this or has no idea why it’s happening, or both
I would think even her genuine fans wonder why all this child is seemingly allowed to do is wear Wicked-themed clothing and watch Wicked… again and again.