I am super creeped out that Plaid wants my bank login do Citi will direct deposit my Costco Reward.
How are you all handling this?
New bank just for deposit?
Reward to Costco to get cash?
Just give Plaid access to all your details?
I get cash in person. I tell them that I use a small credit union that doesn’t work with that plaid direct deposit program (which is true). I suppose if the amount is big enough, they might refuse to give me cash and give me a check.
I haven’t had to use Plaid, I don’t think? From the app, put in my checking account, off it goes. Unless Plaid is handling things under the covers?
That would be fantastic!
Which app? Costco or Citi?
The Citi app. It still might be Plaid handling it though, apparently it’s hard to avoid them these days.
I always just spend it at my next Costco trip. I didn’t realize it could be cashed out. Main reason I got the card is just to cancel the membership fee.
There are two rewards. One from Costco that must be partly spent at Costco. The other us from Citi and may be cashed at Costco.
The Citi one has the problematic Plaid tie-in.